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3 Things to Look for in a Flipped House

Nic Chambers February 14, 2018

With the eruption of HGTV shows glamorizing how “easy” it is to be a home flipper, many are looking to attempt it. While some flippers do so well they’re able to make a solo career out of it, others quickly realize they can excel with the help of a quality team. For those who attempt to flip an entire house with limited or previous experience, we’ve found most cut corners to either save on costs or have no idea how to improve the house “the right way.” 

Here Are Three Ways to Identify the Level of Craftsmanship in a Newly Remodeled Home:

1. Molding

For the new home flipper, few things are more frustrating than installing molding as the corner cuts have to be perfect! While the pros are precise on their angles, silicon seal and paint, the frustrated flipper will typically make a 90-degree cut and paint over the seam. 

Pro Version:

Frustrated Flipper:

2. Tiling

Next on the list is tiling, specifically wall tiling, which is an art that costs a pretty penny in labor. The professional tiler will first place cement backer board for moister protection. The backer board will measure level up against the wall in every which way. The pro will then start laying the tile beginning in the center and working their way out, then finishing with a nice metal trim. On the contrary, the frustrated flipper will sometimes use drywall instead of cement backer board, which is usually not level. You’ll also see they begin tiling from a bottom corner and work their way over and up, finishing with a tile trim. This is problematic as water can seep through tile and grout into the drywall, causing it to deteriorate. The tiles are also uneven, misaligned and will make a person with the slightest bit of OCD crazy.

Pro Version:

Frustrated Flipper:


3. Drywall

It takes patience to be a great drywaller. Getting the seams to blend into the wall is nothing short of modern magic. The frustrated flipper will blend, patch holes, then sand them down to where they feel smooth enough. However, once the drywall is painted, it’s as if someone is holding a microscope over their patch work.

Pro Version:

Frustrated Flipper:

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